Types of facebook ads that will win customers and keep them coming back


With Facebook Insights, engagement is defined as post clicks, likes, shares and comments

With post engagement ads:

Facebook give you options choose an audience types.
Engagement types: Video, Lead form, Facebook page engagement and Events.
Engagement: comment, like or share

Show ads:

Facebook: Feeds, Instant Articles, In-stream videos, Suggested Videos

Instagram: Feed, Stories

Audience Networks: Native, Banner and Interstitial, In-stream video

Unit: CPE

bannerIt can be a dependable way to drive customers to your site and, ultimately, boost sale

It's always a good idea to have a Facebook campaign driving potential new customers to your store. I call this type of campaign a first touch point ad, as it's likely the first time the person viewing the ad has heard of your business.

Show ads:

Facebook: Feeds, Instant Articles, Right Column

Instagram: Feed, Stories

Audience Networks: Native, Banner and Interstitial

Messenger: Home

Format: Image: Text <20%

Unit: CPC - Cost per click

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Dynamic Ads connect your store's connect your store's product catalog with your Facebook ad account.

When someone visits your site and then logs into Facebook, they'll see an ad that features the same products they were looking at on your website. As a result, the ad they see is incredibly personalized and relevant.

TrafficIt is create an ad from your Facebook Page and get more Page Likes.

On Facebook, you can target users by:

Location, Age, Gender, Interests, Connections, Relationship Status, Languages, Education, Workplaces

Show ads:

Facebook: Feeds, Instant Articles, Right Column

Instagram: Feed, Stories

Audience Networks: Native, Banner and Interstitial

Messenger: Home

Format: Image: Text <20%

Unit: Like


Limited budgets but can reach your target audience more precisely

Facebook group seeding refers to the targeted placement and distribution of content on social media channels such as Facebook groups, Instagram to attract your target.

KPI: Comment & like/post

Report: Based on the actual report on Facebook. Basically, it gives you everything you need to evaluate and optimize your ongoing marketing campaign.

What you need to do is:

  • Define your goals/KPIs
  • What is your brand message?
  • Share your information about the products/ service AND let us take care of the rest.

The Power of Facebook groups seeding:

  • Achieve broad reach
  • Ability to reach the right target audience
  • Greater awareness of products, brands, and your own company




YouTube seeding is more about than buying views, comments. It’s about the best possible results in reaching the target group.

KPI: Comment, at least 100 comments/month, no less.

Report: Based on the actual report on Youtube. The report gives you more than enough to evaluate and prepare for your next marketing campaign.

What do you need to do is:

  • Send us a detailed brief about your goals
  • Your target
  • Your budget
  • Your timeline

AND we will take care of the rest.

The power of youtube seeding:

  • Increased reach for blog posts and YouTube videos
  • Increased interaction
  • Greater awareness of products, brands, and your own company
  • Ability to reach the right target audience




It is also regarded as a kind of word of mouth (WOM) Marketing. A forum, in fact, is a place for ppl to discuss different things say their interest, experience, and life-based on the nature of the forum.

Mainly serve a few purposes: Draw awareness, Campaign/Promotional Sales, Social Media Optimization and etc.

KPI: View and comment/topic

The framework may include 4 steps:

  • Content creation and forum selection
  • Schedule
  • Execute and evaluation
  • Maintain and manage a good online reputation

Pr seeding is simple planting " seeds" across the website. The comments consist of little content pieces, aiming to trigger the interests of your target group. We seeding across through most of the website such as Vnexpress, Kenh 14, Ngoisao.net, 24h.com, and go on.

KPI: Comment. No less than 100 comments on different websites.

Report: Based on the actual details that appear on the website.

What you need to do is:

  • Send us a detailed brief of your product/service
  • Your list of website/link that you want  us to "seed"

AND we will take care of the rest.

The power of PR seeding:

  • It can encourage increased viewership, likely to view information/comment shared by trustworthy sources.
  • Greater awareness of products, brands, and your own company
  • Ability to reach the right target audience






Bond with your customer than can grow over time


Email marketing is important for building relationships with prospects, leads, current customers, and even past customers because it gives you a chance to speak directly to them, in their inbox, at a time that is convenient for them.

Inbox là gì? Tầm quan trọng của Inbox trong việc bán hàng online



There are several benefits

  • Create a bond with your customer than can grow over time.
  • Better brand recognition. Why? because it gives you a direct line to the email inboxes of your customers or potential customers. Creating valuable content for the customer, you’ll have an edge over your competitors.
  • Build stronger customer relationship. Your customers appreciate a good email.
  • The efficient use of time and budget.
  • Increased traffic to your website.
  • Boost sales. Email marketing provides a great opportunity for impulse buying but you can entice a customer to make another purchase in a few ways:
    • Feature items that are often purchased alongside the products the customer bought.
    • List similar items to the customer’s past purchases.
    • Create a special offer or discount for future purchases.


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Enjoy heat maps to know precisely where your contacts click, what contacts opened or interacted with your emails.

email report mau 1

report mau 2


Build strong connection with clients by advertisement on SMS marketing platform

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Here is some reason why SMS marketing is so effective:

  • It’s a direct, immediate channel with cost effective. More than 90% are opened within minutes and if you have your existing client information
  • SMS Marketing is an inexpensive method of communication in comparison to traditional marketing
  • Instant Deliverability & High Open Rate
  • Retain strong relationship with clients by running promotions on SMS Marketing Platform
  • Quick Send discount code, promotion, information or alert clients easily
  • Stop losing a great opportunity to your existing clients, let start to do up selling and cross selling with your current clients.



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